Saturday, 28 November 2009

Visit to St. Mary Magdalen Academy

Last Monday I visited SMMA in the Liverpool Road to talk about writing and the inspiration for Out of the Blue. I really enjoyed meeting the students so thanks to all of you who came along in your lunch hours and to Emma Wallace in the library for organising my visit.

Walking home I had an idea about the story I'm currently working on. I looked around for a cafe to stop and write in but there wasn't anything nearby so, scared I'd forget it, I phoned myself and left a message. I've not phoned myself before but it suddenly seemed like a good idea; I thought I'd look less conspicuous talking to myself on the phone than muttering into thin air. When I got home I went straight to my desk and started writing - I didn't need to listen to the message.

A couple of days later I was listening to a new message and heard my message from Monday. I didn't recognise my own voice and had a split second of feeling amazed. Who is this person telling me what I should do about Cora's mum? I thought.

1 comment:

prophecygirl said...

What a great idea to ring yourself... I probably would have been that person muttering to thin air!