Sunday 29 November 2009

Writing about Rain

Doesn't the Steadfast Tin Soldier in Hans Christian Andersen's story get washed down the gutter in a deluge of rain? Or am I confusing him with Incy Wincy?

My husband is from Cumbria and I've had many visits there when it has rained - I've seen how it can go on and on for days, the skies heavy and grey, the ground sodden. But what they're going through now is unbelievable. My sister-in-law's friend in Cockermouth told her how the windows of submerged shops caved in under the pressure and the shop goods set off down the street like items on a conveyor belt.

Condolences to all who have lost so much in the last few weeks.

With the rain driving against my window while I write today I've been thinking about rain in stories -

Getting waylaid by torrential rain - As I Lay Dying
Sheltering from rain as a means to develop intimacy - hmmm...can't think if any examples but I know there are some. Any ideas? Dickens?
Constant miserable wetness as an allegory of the general miseries of life
Characters who are oblivious to the soaking they're getting due to their emotional state - Jane Eyre
Rain after drought to signify hope and renewal.

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