Thursday, 3 June 2010

East 1 Writing Project

Last week, along with the writers from the seven schools in the East 1 Partnership, I went to Kensington Gardens and spent the day exploring. For some of the time we were intrepid writers hunting for things to write about, other times we were daydreamers waiting for inspiration to settle like dust. Some of us saw a heron catch a fish, most of us marvelled at the out-of-focus softness of the cygnets. We got up close to Peter Pan and wondered what those fairies were whispering about. We stared at the bareback rider of the Physical Energy Statue looking as if he were trapped and would be forever galloping away from us.

The following day we met to write. We shared some of the phrases and vocabulary we had written, creating Poet Trees on the wall that were surrounded by Eimar Daly's photographs. For some of the time students worked together and wrote poems personifying the point of view of an object or creature in the gardens. For most of the day though, students from Years 2 to 8 worked on their own writing.